Garden Thoughts are simply my own musings and wanderings I’ve had while watering our summer garden.

1. Hello Friend

Hello Friend!

 I decided to start a blog called “Garden Thoughts”, which has absolutely nothing to do with gardening. Here you will not find tips, advice, or any kind of expertise. Garden Thoughts are simply my own musings and wanderings I’ve had while watering our summer garden. For those that don’t know me that well and to answer your question, no, these will not be philosophical musings on plants or the circle of life, sonnets about the shimmering water pouring forth from whatever- although I do enjoy writing poetry, so who knows… I wrote a poem about “Wednesday” that I am particularly fond of. 

As I do not have a well-prepared stack of notes or any prepared writings for this, welcome to the first one! Jump in and join me, the water is cool.

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