Garden Thoughts are simply my own musings and wanderings I’ve had while watering our summer garden.

3. A Phlumph

I really enjoyed painting this Cereal Canvas for CJM’s Party Night not too long ago in the Before Times. I found a great spot on a random concrete square positioned behind the barn. I don’t remember what it was used for before the Silo was built, but it’s the perfect outdoor studio. I listened to music while the birds chirped around me as I hid all kinds of little symbols on the cereal boxes.

I was working on the bottom shelf when I felt a phlumph of a something lightly graze my shoulder and whistle by my ear. The small fluffy furball rolled on the ground next to me. It was a baby bird! It had been perched in its nest high in the rafters above, and I watched as it rolled to a stop and suddenly sprang up on its feet. Then with a little hop, it turned right around and looked at me. Without thinking, I just said, “Well, hello.” It turned around again and successfully flew away.

If that’s not a Disney moment in real life, I don’t know what is. 

Camp is a magical place. It is so nice to get away from ourselves and our own realities for a while and focus on others. It invites perspective, gratitude, community, and pure joy. I know we could all definitely use a little CJM escape in our lives, but that’s why Camp Is More Than a Place, because we don’t have to wait until we’re on campground to experience it. We can bring the spirit of camp to us- although I do miss the winding Bosque County roads aligned with a welcoming train of cedar trees that always remind me of the camper buses making their approach and our eagerness for their arrival.

When I’m heading out to water the garden and open my back door, my pup Bruno goes bounding out, chasing after the robins that scatter and take flight, only to perch on our fence and watch the Labrador with what I imagine to be amusement. And I smile as I remember the little fluff of a bird that left its nest only to smack right into me, as I painted cereal boxes in the outdoors at camp.

Fun Facts: The circular logo on each box is the same size and shape as the CJM leather name tags. And those purple things are my interpretation of Burfles. However, no one has actually ever seen one. According to legend, they live in a cave and are purple, have 3 eyes, smell like French fries, and sound like a squeaky harmonica.

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